Search Results for: coronavirus

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509 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Schools are reopening. COVID-19 is still here. What does that mean for kids?

    Children do get COVID-19, and some become very sick and even die. But the disease’s long-term effects on kids remain uncertain.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Why only some people will get COVID-19 booster shots at first

    In the United States, boosters may next go to people 65 and older, those at high risk for severe disease and people whose jobs put them at high exposure risk.

  3. Anthropology

    A coronavirus epidemic may have hit East Asia about 25,000 years ago

    An ancient viral outbreak may have left a genetic mark in East Asians that possibly influences their responses to the virus that causes COVID-19.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Colds and other common respiratory diseases might surge as kids return to school

    Recent historically low levels of some respiratory illnesses may lead to outbreaks this fall and winter, creating disruptions as kids return to school.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Why the CDC says it’s crucial to start wearing masks indoors again

    While unvaccinated people are driving the spread of the coronavirus, vaccinated people infected with the delta variant may also easily transmit it.

  6. Health & Medicine

    These charts show that COVID-19 vaccines are doing their job

    COVID-19 shots may not always prevent infections, but for now, they are keeping the vast majority of vaccinated people out of the hospital.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Meet three moderators fighting disinformation on Reddit’s largest coronavirus forum

    Science News spoke with volunteers about what it takes to correct misinformation online during a pandemic.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Pfizer’s vaccine appears to reduce coronavirus transmission

    People who carry low amounts of the coronavirus in their bodies are less likely to spread COVID-19. Pfizer’s shot appears to help reduce viral loads.

  9. Health & Medicine

    How COVID-19 vaccines were made so quickly without cutting corners

    Usually it takes years to get both test results and FDA authorization, but speedy spread of the virus and eager volunteers shrunk the shots’ timeline.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Vaccinating people in developing countries costs far less than doing nothing

    Shots for half the adults in those countries will cost $9.3 billion, the Rockefeller Foundation reports. Doing nothing could cost trillions.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Here’s what breakthrough infections reveal about COVID-19 vaccines

    Studies analyzing vaccinated people in the real world show that COVID-19 vaccines are extremely effective, but experts are keeping an eye on variants.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Coronavirus reinfections appear rare, especially in people younger than 65

    Previous infections provide 80 percent protection in younger people and 47 percent in those over 65. Vaccines might help boost immunity further.
