Search Results for: Whales

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1,375 results
  1. Science & Society

    Aging, hominid ears, whales and more reader feedback

    Readers offer their thoughts on how hominids heard, a biochemical switch for aging, one-way airflow in lungs and more from the October 31 issue.

  2. Oceans

    First U.S. ocean monument named in the Atlantic

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean, President Barack Obama announced.

  3. Animals

    New movie asks viewers to care about whale hunters. Will they?

    A new movie tells the tale of sailors shipwrecked by a whale. But it’s hard to feel sorry for the people trying to kill the animal.

  4. Animals

    Snot could be crucial to dolphin echolocation

    An acoustic model reveals that echolocation relies on mucus lined tissue lumps in the animal’s nasal passage.

  5. Climate

    Year in review: Sea ice loss will shake up ecosystems

    Researchers are studying the complex biological consequences of polar melting and opening Arctic passageways.

  6. Climate

    Arctic passageways let species mingle

    People aren’t the only animals likely to use passages that open up as the Arctic melts.

  7. Environment

    PCB levels still high in Europe’s killer whales, smaller dolphins

    PCBs banned for decades still show up at extremely high concentrations in Europe’s killer whales and other dolphins.

  8. Life

    City dolphins get a boost from better protection and cleaner waters

    Bottlenose dolphins near Adelaide, Australia, are slowly growing in number due to better environmental conditions and better protection.

  9. Animals

    ‘Whalecopter’ drone swoops in for a shot and a shower

    Whale biologists are monitoring the health of whales using drones that snap photos and then swoop in to sample spray.

  10. Animals

    Maximum size of giant squid remains a mystery

    A scientist has come up with a new estimate of the maximum size of giant squid. He says the animals could be as long as two public buses.

  11. Oceans

    Atlantic monument is home to unique and varied creatures

    A region of ocean off the coast of Cape Cod has become the first U.S. marine national monument in the Atlantic Ocean.

  12. Animals

    Study ranks Greenland shark as longest-lived vertebrate

    Radiocarbon in eye lenses suggests mysterious Greenland sharks might live for almost 400 years.
