Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Anthropology

    Asian primates hit hard by ancient climate change

    Chinese fossils suggest primates diverged in Asia and Africa around 34 million years ago.

  2. Life

    Jumping genes are part of all that makes us human

    Ask 10 people what makes humans human and you’ll probably get 10 different answers — and then some.

  3. Life

    Howler monkeys may owe their color vision to leaf hue

    Better color vision gives howler monkeys an edge at finding food.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Poor diet in pregnancy, poor heart health for infants

    Moms who eat too little during pregnancy could have babies with heart risks.

  5. Anthropology

    Readers question hominid family tree

    Readers sent feedback on hominid origins, fast cameras, slimy sea creatures and more.

  6. Neuroscience

    Jessica Cantlon seeks the origins of numerical thinking

    Cognitive neuroscientist Jessica Cantlon wants to find out how humans understand numbers and where that understanding comes from.

  7. Anthropology

    Monkeys have vocal tools, but not brains, to talk like humans

    Macaques have vocal tracts, but not brains, built for talking much as people do, scientists say.

  8. Archaeology

    Wild monkeys throw curve at stone-tool making’s origins

    Monkeys that make sharp-edged stones raise questions about evolution of stone tool production.

  9. Animals

    Bonobos adept at nut cracking

    Bonobos demonstrate their overlooked nut-cracking skills in an African sanctuary.

  10. Animals

    Orangutans take motherhood to extremes, nursing young for more than eight years

    Weaning in orangutans has been tricky to see in the wild, so researchers turned to dental tests to reveal long nursing period.

  11. Animals

    Bonobos rival chimps at the art of cracking oil palm nuts

    Bonobos demonstrate their overlooked nut-cracking skills in an African sanctuary.

  12. Genetics

    Genes help snub-nosed monkeys live the high life

    Snub nosed monkeys have certain genetic variants that help them breathe easy in low oxygen.
