Search Results for: Invertebrate

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698 results
  1. Climate

    How species will, or won’t, manage in a warming world

    Fast evolution and flexibility, in biology and behavior, may allow some species to adapt to a warming world. Others may need help from humans, or risk dying out.

  2. Animals

    How an octopus keeps itself out of a tangle

    The suckers on an octopus stick to just about anything, except the octopus itself. Scientists think they’ve figured out why.

  3. Ecosystems

    Light pollution takes a toll on the aquatic food web

  4. Letters to the editor

    Invertebrate enigmas I found the recent article “Evolutionary enigmas” (SN: 5/18/13, p. 20) fascinating because I know of another example of an invertebrate animal possessing a “strictly vertebrate” quality. As a high school human anatomy and physiology teacher, I sometimes have my students test the effects of the constituents in cigarette smoke on live Daphnia […]

  5. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  6. Paleontology

    An ammonite adventure on the Jurassic Coast

    This region is special because fossils are easy to find. They wash out of the cliffs and onto the beach where they are free for anyone to collect, as long as you follow the rules.

  7. Paleontology

    Hunting fossils in England

    On Monmouth Beach, just west of the center of Lyme Regis, amateur and professional collectors have been making discoveries for more than two centuries.

  8. Animals

    Dazzle camouflage may fool a locust

    The bold zig-zag patterns that adorned naval ships during the world wars also appear in nature and may bewilder locusts, a new study suggests.

  9. Animals

    Eight ways that animals survive the winter

    Migrating to a warmer place is just the start when it comes to finding ways to stay toasty as temperatures drop.

  10. Animals

    Truths and lies about dingoes

    A dingo really did take that woman’s baby, but other myths about the animals have been debunked.

  11. Tech

    Creature power

    Biological fuel cells that generate electricity by harnessing sugars and oxygen in the body may one day power implanted devices in humans and other animals.

  12. Paleontology

    3-D scans reveal secrets of extinct creatures

    Paleontologists can dig into fossils without destroying them and see what’s inside using 3-D scanning. What they’re learning helps bring the past to life.
