Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Science Past from the issue of January 26, 1963

    DOGS FOUND COLOR-BLIND — Some animals are able to distinguish colors but others are practically color-blind, Dr. Gerti Duecker, zoologist of the University of Muenster, West Germany, has determined by a series of tests. Dr. Duecker found cats and dogs to be color-blind, although there is some evidence that some dogs have a faint sense […]

  2. Killer whales, grandmas and what men want: Evolutionary biologists consider menopause

    Menopause seems like a cruel prank that Mother Nature plays on women. First come the hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, irritability and weight gain. Then menstruation stops and fertility ends. Why, many women ask, must they suffer through this? Evolutionary biologists, it turns out, ask themselves more or less the same question. […]

  3. Anthropology

    Fossil skull points to single root for human evolution

    New find suggests that humankind’s origins trace to an ancient species that spread from Africa to Asia.

  4. Life

    Group to Group

    Wild chimpanzees pick up ant-fishing behavior from a female immigrant.

  5. Anthropology

    War arose recently, anthropologists contend

    Infrequent killings among hunter-gatherer groups fit a scenario of a largely peaceful Stone Age, a study concludes.

  6. Animals

    A gory 12 days of Christmas

    Insects and spiders are among the biggest gift-givers, often as part of mating, and anything from cyanide to a wad of saliva can be a present.

  7. Math

    Living longer comes easier

    Human longevity is largely a modern phenomenon.

  8. Life

    Geneticists go ape for better primate family tree

    The first gorilla genome and a more detailed look at chimp genetics provide new clues to evolution of humans and their closest relatives.

  9. Out on a limb

    Fossils suggest early bipedal hominids still climbed.

  10. Chemistry

    Human blood types have deep evolutionary roots

    The ABO system may date back 20 million years or more, a genetic analysis suggests.

  11. Humans

    Man the martial artist

    The human hand evolved partly as a tool for fighting, researchers argue.

  12. Humans

    Color this chimp amazing

    An extra layer of sensory perception called synesthesia might help ape make a monkey of humans on memory tests.
