Search Results for: Bees

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1,503 results
  1. Neuroscience

    Bees may merge their flower memories

    Bumblebees sometimes prefer fake flowers with the combined patterns and colors of ones seen before, suggesting they merge memories of past experiences.

  2. Animals

    Bees may like neonicotinoids, but some may be harmed

    Two high-profile tests raise worries that bees can’t avoid neonicotinoid pesticides and that wild species are at special risk.

  3. Animals

    Bees, up close and personal

    A photo archive from the U.S. Geological Survey's Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab offers detailed photos of bee species.

  4. Anthropology

    Fossil autopsy claims Lucy fell from tree

    A contested study suggests a famous fossil ancestor plunged to her death.

  5. Environment

    Manganese turns honeybees into bumbling foragers

    Ingesting low doses of the heavy metal manganese disrupts honeybee foraging, a new experiment suggests.

  6. Ecosystems

    Bee losses followed World Wars

    British historical records show a century-long decline of important pollinators: bees and some wasps.

  7. Animals

    Organisms age in myriad ways — and some might not even bother

    There is great variety in how animals and plants deteriorate (or don’t) over time.

  8. Animals

    When sweet little bees go to war

    Tiny Tetragonula bees don’t sting but have strong jaws. The bees fight by biting a combatant and not letting go.

  9. Animals

    Don’t let Cecil the lion distract from the big conservation challenges

    Cecil the lion’s death rocketed across the news and social media. But there are bigger conservation challenges that need attention, too.

  10. Life

    ‘Racing Extinction’ documents plight of endangered species

    The new documentary "Racing Extinction" offers hope that people can halt the sixth mass extinction.

  11. Environment

    Mystery toxins in tainted New Zealand honey nabbed

    Sweet and stealthy toxins have been caught sticky-handed, potentially solving a decades-long mystery of tainted honey in New Zealand.

  12. Plants

    A protein battle underlies the beauty of orchids

    The petal-and-lip shape that draws pollinators to orchids results from a competition between two protein complexes, a new study finds.
