Search Results for: Shrimp

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475 results
  1. Animals

    Krill kick up a storm of ocean mixing

    Scientists have measured living creatures' contribution to the stirring of ocean water, and they found that little kicking krill legs do a lot.

  2. Earth

    Hammered Saws

    Sawfish, shark relatives that almost went extinct several decades ago, have now gained protection by international treaty.

  3. Humans

    Venting Concerns

    Scientists have developed a code of conduct to guide their research and activities at hydrothermal vents.

  4. Ecosystems

    When Worms Fly: Insect larvae can survive bird guts

    Insects can travel as larval stowaways in the guts of migrating birds.

  5. Animals

    New candidates for smallest vertebrate

    Two recent scientific papers have described fish species that could, depending on the definition, be the world's smallest known vertebrate.

  6. Animals

    Into Hot Water: Lab test shows that worms seek heat

    Worms from deep-sea vents prefer water at temperatures near the upper limit of what animals are known to survive.

  7. Animals

    Baited camera snaps first live giant squid

    For the first time, researchers have photographed a living giant squid in the wild.

  8. Animals

    Fish Din: Reef clamor attracts young fish settlers

    When looking for a home, young fish seem to prefer a reef that's alive with the sounds of shrimp and fish rather than a quieter environment.

  9. Earth

    Breaking Waves: Mangroves shielded parts of coast from tsunami

    Along a strip of India's southeastern coastline, trees protected certain villages from last December's tsunami, while waves wiped out neighboring settlements that weren't sheltered by vegetation.

  10. Ecosystems

    Bad-News Beauties

    Discarded aquarium fish are the likely source of an alien species that's breeding in the Atlantic and could threaten economically important U.S. fisheries.

  11. Ecosystems

    Squirt Alert

    A sea animal of unknown origins and lacking any known predator has begun commandeering ecosystems in cool coastal waters throughout the world.

  12. Earth

    Dead Waters

    Coastal dead zones—underwater regions where oxygen concentrations are too low for fish to survive—are mushrooming globally, threatening to transform entire ecosystems.
