Search Results for: Primates

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1,416 results
  1. Animals

    Colugo genome reveals gliders as primate cousins

    New genetic analysis suggests gliding mammals called colugos are actually sisters to modern primates.

  2. Life

    Fossils hint at India’s crucial role in primate evolution

    Ancient fossils from coal mine in India offer clues to what the common ancestor of present-day primates might have looked like.

  3. Genetics

    A mutation may explain the sudden rise in birth defects from Zika

    A mutation in a protein that helps Zika exit cells may play a big role in microcephaly.

  4. Genetics

    Evolution of gut bacteria tracks splits in primate species

    Primates and microbes have been splitting in sync for at least 10 million years.

  5. Animals

    Some primates prefer nectar with a bigger alcohol kick

    Aye-ayes and slow lorises may be able to discern the alcohol content of boozy nectar and go for more potent drinks.

  6. Anthropology

    European fossils may belong to earliest known hominid

    With new analyses of Graecopithecus fossils from Greece and Bulgaria, researchers argue for possible hominid origins in Europe, not Africa.

  7. Anthropology

    ‘Monkeytalk’ invites readers into the complex social world of monkeys

    In Monkeytalk, a primatologist evaluates what’s known about monkeys’ complex social lives in the wild.

  8. Animals

    In some ways, hawks hunt like humans

    Raptors may track their prey in similar patterns to primates.

  9. Neuroscience

    Brains encode faces piece by piece

    Cells in monkey brains build up faces by coding for different characteristics.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Low social status leads to off-kilter immune system

    Low social status tips immune system toward inflammation seen in chronic diseases, a monkey study shows.

  11. Neuroscience

    In a tally of nerve cells in the outer wrinkles of the brain, a dog wins

    Among some carnivores, golden retrievers rate at the top for numbers of nerve cells, study finds.

  12. Animals

    Chimps look at behinds the way we look at faces

    Humans demonstrate something called the inversion effect when gazing at faces. Chimpanzees do this too — when looking at other chimps’ butts.
