Search Results for: Penguin

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730 results
  1. Paleontology

    Fertile Ground: Snippets of DNA persist in soil for millennia

    Minuscule samples of sediment from New Zealand and Siberia have yielded bits of DNA from dozens of animals and plants, including the oldest DNA sequences yet found that can be traced to a specific organism.

  2. Math

    Mathematician on Ice

    Adventurous voyages to Antarctica test mathematical models of sea ice.

  3. Humans

    From the February 15, 1930, issue

    ACRES OF PENGUINS IN ANTARCTICA Penguins by the acre are among the profusion of water animals inhabiting the regions adjacent to the desolate lands of Antarctica that help make its exploration of value, Dr. Isaiah Bowman, director of the American Geographical Society, told the American Philosophical Society. Dr. Bowman spoke in the 141-year-old hall of […]

  4. Red Snow, Green Snow

    It's truly spring when those last white drifts go technicolor as algae bloom in the snow.

  5. Paleontology

    Sea Dragons

    About 235 million years ago, as the earliest dinosaurs stomped about on land, some of their reptilian relatives slipped back into the surf, took on an aquatic lifestyle, and became ichthyosaurs—Greek for fish lizards.

  6. Earth

    Big Bergs Ahoy!

    Although the break-up of Antarctica's northernmost ice shelves has been linked to warmer temperatures in the area, the cause of the unusual number of large icebergs calving from the continent's southern ice shelves last year was likely not global warming.

  7. Earth

    Antarctic sediments muddy climate debate

    Ocean-floor sediments drilled from Antarctic regions recently covered by ice shelves suggest that those shelves were much younger than scientists had previously thought.

  8. Science News Books

  9. Science News Books

  10. Science News Books

  11. Half-Asleep Birds Choose Which Half Dozes

  12. Science News Books
