Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Animals

    Chimps catch people’s yawns in sign of flexible empathy

    Chimpanzees may show humanlike empathy, as evidenced by their contagious yawning.

  2. Earth

    Shrinking ancient sea may have spawned Sahara Desert

    The Saharan Desert probably formed 7 million years ago as the ancient Tethys Sea, the forerunner of the Mediterranean Sea, shrank.

  3. Animals

    Apes do the darndest things

    Several chimp behaviors have researchers wondering if apes are a good model for early hominid life.

  4. Humans

    Human ancestor Lucy celebrates 40th anniversary

    Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson recalls the discovery 40 years ago of the human ancestor known as Lucy.

  5. Animals

    Young chimps catch human yawns

    Juvenile chimps yawn contagiously when they see humans do it, a response that could signal the animals are developing empathy.

  6. Science & Society

    Chimps in captivity may soon join endangered species list

    Proposal would extend protections to both wild and captive primate populations.

  7. Anthropology

    Turkana Boy sparks row over Homo erectus height

    Estimating the adult height and weight of an ancient youth from his skeleton has proven tricky.

  8. Life

    Chimps’ baby teeth don’t predict weaning

    The age at which a chimpanzee gets its first molar tooth doesn't predict when it will stop nursing.

  9. Neuroscience

    Finding the brain’s common language

    Erich Jarvis dreams of creating a talking chimpanzee. If his theories on language are right, that just might happen one day.

  10. Humans

    Origins of alcohol consumption traced to ape ancestor

    Eating fermented fruit off the ground may have paved way for ability to digest ethanol.

  11. Animals

    Hiding up your nose is a clever strategy for ticks

    Found hiding in the noses of Ugandan chimps, a new tick species hitchhiked its way to America in a researcher's nose.

  12. Animals

    Claims of fairness in apes have critics crying foul

    A report that chimps divvy up rewards much as people do draws criticism.
