Search Results for: superconductivity

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849 results
  1. Materials Science

    Quantum Cocoon

    Diamond can hold quantum information even at room temperature, which makes it a candidate material for future quantum computers.

  2. Physics

    Tiny wires trigger electric reversal

    Ultrathin zinc nanowires exhibit a puzzling conductivity reversal that flies in the face of known wire behavior.

  3. Archaeology

    Muons Meet the Maya

    Physicists are exploring the use of muons generated by cosmic rays to explore Mayan archaeological sites and to probe the interiors of volcanoes and shipping containers.

  4. Physics

    Warming Up to Criticality: Quantum change, one bubble at a time

    Physicists can now observe matter as it gradually turns into a Bose-Einstein condensate—the exotic state of matter that displays quantum behavior at macroscopic scales.

  5. Tech

    Cool Wire: Nanostructure boosts superconductor

    The extraordinary performance of a prototype superconductive wire is encouraging superconductivity specialists, even though the prototype is unlikely to be mass-produced.

  6. Physics

    Hot Stuff: A usually ultracold, odd state forms when warm

    An exotic quantum state that had previously appeared only under conditions of astonishing cold has made its room-temperature debut.

  7. Astronomy

    Gammas from Heaven

    An orbiting gamma-ray observatory, set for launch next spring, will seek out the most violent events in the cosmos.

  8. Physics

    Tipsy Superfluids: Glimpsing off-kilter quantum clouds

    A new type of superfluid atom cloud that's been thrown off-balance by having more atoms with their quantum spins pointing up than down, or vice versa, seems to defy theoretical expectations.

  9. Physics

    The Hunt for Antihelium

    Scientists have been searching about 30 years for a single nucleus of helium made from antimatter, and although the discovery would imply that whole antimatter galaxies exist, the researchers' time could be running out.

  10. Chemistry

    Metal Rebel: Under extreme pressure, sodium breaks the rules for turning into liquid

    In a demonstration that defies certain basic assumptions in physics, researchers have created liquid sodium at room temperature under high pressures.

  11. Physics

    Probing chemical signatures in an earthy way

    Scientists have performed nuclear magnetic resonance analysis using Earth's magnetic field.

  12. Math

    Rating Researchers

    A physicist has come up with a formula for characterizing a researcher's scientific output.
