Search Results for: Robotics

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1,529 results
  1. Artificial Intelligence

    This robot learned not to mess with other people’s stuff

    Ownership-respecting robots could soon understand the difference between chucking a Styrofoam cup and someone’s favorite mug.

  2. Science & Society

    What’s ahead for science in 2020? Here’s what we’re watching

    Science News writers are awaiting new Mars missions, a new search for dark matter, results from a male birth control pill study and more.

  3. Astronomy

    Questions about solar storms, slingshot spiders and more reader feedback

    Readers had questions about solar storms, a robotic gripper, slingshot spiders and more.

  4. Readers ask about aging perceptions, coral reefs and more

    Readers had questions about aging perceptions, coral reefs, praying mantis vision and more.

  5. Artificial Intelligence

    A new AI training program helps robots own their ignorance

    AI systems struggle to know what they don’t know. Now scientists have created a way to help autonomous machines recognize their blind spots.

  6. Neuroscience

    Three visions of the future, inspired by neuroscience’s past and present

    Three fantastical tales of where neuroscience might take us are based on the progress made by brain researchers in the last 100 years.

  7. Archaeology

    Our fascination with robots goes all the way back to antiquity

    In the book ‘Gods and Robots,’ a scholar recounts how early civilizations explored artificial life through myths.

  8. Paleontology

    Spinosaurus fossil tail suggests dinosaurs were swimmers after all

    Unique among known dinosaurs, Spinosaurus had a finlike tail, which the predator may have used to propel itself through the water.

  9. Paleontology

    A four-legged robot hints at how ancient tetrapods walked

    Using fossils, computer simulations and a life-size walking robot, researchers re-created how an early tetrapod may have made tracks.

  10. Planetary Science

    How upcoming missions to Mars will help predict its wild dust storms

    Predicting the weather on Mars is essential for landing and keeping rovers — or astronauts — safe on the surface. The next Mars missions will give forecasts a boost.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Extra fingers, often seen as useless, can offer major dexterity advantages

    Two people born with six fingers on each hand can control the extra digit, using it to do tasks better than five-fingered hands, a study finds.

  12. Animals

    On a cool night in Malaysia, scientists track mysterious colugos across the treetops

    Our reporter tags along for nighttime observations of these elusive gliding mammals.
