Search Results for: Insects

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6,698 results
  1. 19029

    Your readers need not wait to do less crying in the kitchen. All you have to do is put the onions in the refrigerator for a half hour or in the freezer for 10 minutes. Daniel F. BarightLebanon, Mo. Another solution is to do the chopping outside. I have found that more turbulent, outside air […]

  2. Plants

    Emergency Gardening

    High-tech tissue culture is helping some ultrarare plants finally have sprouts of their own.

  3. Paleontology

    New fossil weighs in on primate origins

    A 55-million-year-old primate skeleton found in Wyoming indicates that the common ancestor of modern monkeys, apes, and people was built primarily for hanging tightly onto tree branches.

  4. Paleontology

    New fossil weighs in on primate origins

    A 55-million-year-old primate skeleton found in Wyoming indicates that the common ancestor of modern monkeys, apes, and people was built primarily for hanging tightly onto tree branches.

  5. Tough Tradeoff: Beetle brains show how sex shortens life

    Brain surgery in beetles reveals yet another way that having sex can shorten life.

  6. Humans

    From the August 30, 1930, issue

    alt=”Click to view larger image”> IN COTTON CLOTHING Wolves in the clothing of sheep have been familiar, at least as metaphors, for a couple of millennia. More lately, since we have begun to pay close attention to our trees and shrubs, have we become acquainted with a tiny wolf disguised as a tiny tuft of […]

  7. Agriculture

    Killer bees boost coffee yields

    Even self-pollinating coffee plants benefit substantially from visits by insect pollinators.

  8. Earth

    Tomato compound repels mosquitos

    New insect repellents based on a compound that contributes to the smell of crushed tomato leaves are under development.

  9. Earth

    Hawaii’s Hated Frogs

    Wildlife officials in Hawaii are investigating unconventional pesticides to eradicate invasive frogs—or at least to check their advance.

  10. Animals

    Techno Crow: Do birds build up better tool designs?

    Researchers surveying tool use by New Caledonian crows propose that the birds may be the first animals besides people shown to ratchet up the sophistication of their technology by sharing design improvements.

  11. Animals

    Butterfly ears suggest a bat influence

    Researchers have found the first bat-detecting ear in a butterfly and suggest that the threat of bats triggered the evolution of some moths into butterflies.

  12. Animals

    Walking sticks mimic two leafy looks and split their species

    A species of walking stick may be evolving into two species by adapting to different environments.
