Search Results for: Insects

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6,698 results
  1. Earth

    Antimosquito coils release toxic fumes

    Researchers have measured several pollutants in smoke emitted from so-called mosquito coils, which people burn at night to fend off insects.

  2. Animals

    One-Two Poison: Scorpion starts with a cheap shot

    A South African scorpion economizes as it stings, injecting a simple mix first, followed by a venom that's more complicated to produce.

  3. Animals

    Leashing the Rattlesnake

    Even in the 21st century, there's still room for old-fashioned, do-it-yourself ingenuity in experimental design for studying animal behavior.

  4. Animals

    Cicada Subtleties

    What part of 10,000 cicadas screeching don't you understand?

  5. Ecosystems

    After Invasions: Can an ant takeover change the rules?

    A rare before-and-after study of a takeover by an invasive ant species shows the interloper quickly disassembling the basic rules of the invaded community.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Shots stop allergic reactions to venom

    An immune therapy prevents allergic reactions to the sting of the jack jumper ant, a pest common to Australia.

  7. Math

    Prime-Time Cicadas

    Cicadas are flying, plant-eating insects. Most cicada species have life cycles that span 2 to 8 years. They spend most of their lives underground before emerging as adults. In a few species, almost all the individuals in a given location come out of hiding at the same time. These are known as periodical cicadas, and […]

  8. Fly Genome Creates a Buzz

    Scientists try to make sense of an insect's myriad genes.

  9. Milestones for Malaria: Parasite, mosquito genes decoded

    Unraveling the DNA of a malaria-causing parasite and of a mosquito that carries it may suggest new ways to combat the deadly disease.

  10. Math

    Catching Flies

    Archerfish and baseball outfielders appear to use different strategies to snag a projectile. Archerfish (Toxotes jaculatrix) are famous for their unusual way of hunting insect prey. Upon spying an insect on a twig or a piece of foliage hanging above the water surface, the fish shoots it down using a strong, accurately aimed jet of […]

  11. Chemistry

    Catnip repels pest

    Known to repel cockroaches and mosquitoes, catnip oil also works against termites.

  12. Whazzits get their own insect order

    Insect specimens that have puzzled museum curators for decades turn out to represent a lineage so odd that scientists have named a new order just for them.
