Search Results for: autopsy

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541 results
  1. Endangered condors lay first eggs in wild

    A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist has spied a trio of California condors, released to the wild from captive-breeding programs sometime over the past 6 years, attending a pair of eggs.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Attacking Alzheimer’s

    Some researchers now suggest that the so-called amyloid hypothesis is overstated and that other entities, including tau tangles, are as important as beta-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease.

  3. Health & Medicine

    The Science of Secretin

    The discovery that a gut hormone also exists in the brain may shed light on the origins of autism.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Berry promising anticancer prospects

    Twelve years ago, scientists uncovered a mechanism to explain why the folk remedy of eating cranberries fights urinary tract infections. It now appears that the medicinal powers of the pucker-inducing berries might extend to breast cancer as well. Cranberry Marketing Committee For years, Najla Guthrie and her colleagues at the University of Western Ontario in […]

  5. Paleontology

    Turn Your Head and Roar

    The analysis of fossils that preserve evidence of diseases that appear to be similar or identical to afflictions that strike modern animals, including humans, could help scientists better grasp the causes and courses of today's ailments.

  6. Dolly Was Lucky

    Scientists studying the data on animal cloning argue that cloning a person would be unsafe.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Understanding Cancer’s Spread

    Where cancer goes, where it grows, and why.

  8. Biomedicine

  9. Behavior

  10. Biology

  11. Environment

  12. Microbe Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
