Search Results for: Shrimp

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475 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Coastal dead zones expanding

    The number of coastal areas known as dead zones is on the rise. A new tally reports more than 400 of the oxygen starved regions worldwide.

  2. Botanical Whales

    Adventures in the Tortugas reveal that seagrass fields need saving too.

  3. Plants

    Parasite Godzilla

    Parasites are small but have a big impact. An estuary study reveals that these little annoyances add up to a lot of biomass.

  4. Life

    Embryos can learn visually

    For cuttlefish embryos, what they see is what they'll crave as food later

  5. Letters

    Get the real life In the article “Scientists get a second life” (SN: 5/24/08, p. 20), I take exception to Joanna Scott’s statement that “Second Life is real life.” In fairness, one could debate what she means by “life,” but the statement is just too strong to ignore. As technical director at a major theater, […]

  6. Chemistry

    Squid beak balances hard and soft

    Yet, the squishy creature’s bite packs a lot of punch.

  7. Earth

    Dead Serious

    Little progress has been made this decade in reducing the size of the Gulf of Mexico's dead zone, a massive area of oxygen-depleted water caused by agricultural and urban runoff.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Stomaching diabetes

    A new way to treat diabetes could recruit cells in the gut to make insulin when the pancreas can’t.

  9. Materials Science

    Live Another Day: African insect survives drought in glassy state

    When dehydrated, the larvae of an African fly replace the water in their cells with a sugar, which solidifies and helps keep cellular structures intact.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Insects (the original white meat)

    Dining on insects, usually more by choice than necessity, occurs in at least 100 countries — and may be better than chicken for both people and the environment.

  11. Ecosystems

    Alien Alert: Shrimpy invader raises big concerns

    A shrimplike European invader just discovered in the Great Lakes could prove ecologically disruptive to populations of native lake animals.

  12. Animals

    What’s Going on Down There?

    In a 10-year, global effort, researchers exploring the unknowns of marine life have found bizarre fish, living-fossil shrimp, giant microbes, and a lot of other new neighbors.
