Search Results for: Sharks

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773 results
  1. Animals

    Ten real-life Halloween horrors in the natural world

    Vampires and witches are nothing compared to mind-controlling parasites, nose ticks and antibiotic-resistant superbugs.

  2. Animals

    How the ghost shark lost its stomach

    The lack of a digestive organ in fish and other animals is linked to genetics.

  3. Archaeology

    Year in review: Roster of dinosaurs expands

    With the discovery of several new species and a few dogma-shaking revelations, dinosaurs got a total rethink in 2014.

  4. Animals

    Australia’s unexpectedly dangerous creatures

    Australia is home to an array of deadly things — from crocodiles to venomous snakes — but dangers can also be found among seemingly safe critters.

  5. Paleontology

    Fossils suggest ancient sharks survived extinction event

    Diving down deep in the ocean may have helped the fish live through the Great Dying 350 million years ago.

  6. Animals

    Winds predict deadly jellyfish blooms

    A change in the winds flowing over Australia’s Great Barrier Reef coincides with reports of the potentially fatal Irukandji syndrome.

  7. Archaeology

    Human ancestors engraved abstract patterns

    Indonesian Homo erectus carved zigzags on a shell at least 430,000 years ago.

  8. Paleontology

    Lost-and-found dinosaur thrived in water

    Fossils pieced together through ridiculous luck reveal Spinosaurus to be the only known dinosaur adapted for regular ventures into water.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Pregnant women on the hook for calculating risks, benefits of fish

    New draft FDA guidelines on fish for pregnant or nursing women make women do the math for how to maximize omega-3 fatty acids and minimize mercury exposure.

  10. Life

    Dinos straddled line between cold- and warm-blooded

    Tyrannosaurus rex and other dinosaurs straddled line between cold- and warm-blood, a new analysis finds.

  11. Life

    A new view of dinosaurs, a clearer view of lunar origins

  12. Animals

    Fattened livers prep white sharks for extreme migrations

    The organ's reserves enable a long journey from waters off California to Hawaii and back, tracking data suggest.
