Search Results for: Ray Fish

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1,154 results
  1. Science News of the Year 2002

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2002.

  2. Science News of the Year 2002

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2002.

  3. 18943

    “Salmon hatcheries can deplete wild stocks” ignores a basic fact. Hatchery stocks came from wild stocks. Their DNA is the same. There is an abundance of underused habitat in our northwest rivers. Some hatchery salmon would use these habitats if they were left alone. Instead, hatchery fish are clubbed to death to prevent their mixing […]

  4. Earth

    Stemming the Tide

    New approaches to stopping the introduction by ships of invasive species to North American waters are beginning to show promise but have a long way to go.

  5. Earth

    Salmon hatcheries can deplete wild stocks

    Hatchery fish appear to be replacing wild salmon populations in the Columbia River.

  6. Paleontology

    Turn Your Head and Roar

    The analysis of fossils that preserve evidence of diseases that appear to be similar or identical to afflictions that strike modern animals, including humans, could help scientists better grasp the causes and courses of today's ailments.

  7. Science News of the Year 2001

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2001.

  8. Snouts: A Star Is Born in a Very Odd Way

  9. Bad MOODS

  10. Fishy Punch Lines

  11. Skate-ing to Extinction?

  12. Science News of the Year
