Search Results for: Rabbits

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1,698 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Diabetes drug might fight cancer

    A widely prescribed medication with few side effects shows promise in both mice and humans.

  2. Animals

    Cats drink using lap-and-gulp trick

    Felines imbibe by pulling up a column of fluid and then snatching a bit of it before it splashes back down.

  3. Life

    Marine creature cooks up chemical defense from food

    The sea hare transforms a benign algal pigment into a noxious molecule to help ward off crabs and other predators, new studies show.

  4. Animals

    Fight or flee, it’s in the pee

    Researchers get a better understanding of how mice smell a rat, or a cat, and maybe even a snake.

  5. Life

    Elephant legs bend like ‘big human limb’

    Mechanics suggests the creatures are more limber than thought and use all their legs to come to a four-way stop.

  6. Unnatural selection

    Chemists build proteins with parts not in the typical toolkit.

  7. Animals

    Scent of alarm identifies male bed bugs

    When mistaken for females, the guys release an alarming pheromone.

  8. Broken Symmetry

    Scientists seek mechanisms explaining development of the body’s left-right pattern.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Lab-animal allergies in office workers

    Animal allergens may escape the lab.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Seemingly misplaced DNA acts as lenses

    Nocturnal animals orient DNA in retinal cells to focus light.

  11. Smart from the start

    Animal embryos get some respect for their survival skills.

  12. The Biofuel Future

    Scientists seek ways to make green energy pay off.
