Search Results for: Polar Bears

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581 results
  1. Animals

    That’s One Weird Tooth

    The narwhal's distinctive spiral tusk has structures that could make it phenomenally sensitive, raising new questions about its functions.

  2. Inherit the Warmer Wind

    The genetic makeup of organisms ranging from fruit flies to birds appears to be changing in response to global warming.

  3. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2006

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2006.

  4. Planetary Science

    The Whole Enceladus

    Saturn's moon Enceladus has become the hottest new place to look for life in the chilly outer solar system.

  5. Earth

    New accord targets long-lived pollutants

    Negotiators drafted an agreement to ban or phase out some of the world's most persistent and toxic pollutants.

  6. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2005

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2005.

  7. Animals

    Carnivores in Captivity: Size of range in wild may predict risk in zoo

    A survey of zoo reports of troubled animals suggests that the minimum size of a species' range predicts how well it will adapt to captivity.

  8. Tailoring Therapies: Cloned human embryo provides stem cells

    Scientists have for the first time carried test-tube cloning of a human embryo to the stage at which it can yield stem cells.

  9. Humans

    From the December 16 & 23, 1933, issues

    STRENGTH OF CRATES TESTED BY TOSSING An important phase of the work of the timber mechanics department of the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis., has been to perfect the designing and nailing of these boxes so that their durability is greater. Chemically treated nails and reinforcement by diagonal braces have given more rigidity […]

  10. Humans

    From the December 16 & 23, 1933, issues

    STRENGTH OF CRATES TESTED BY TOSSING An important phase of the work of the timber mechanics department of the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wis., has been to perfect the designing and nailing of these boxes so that their durability is greater. Chemically treated nails and reinforcement by diagonal braces have given more rigidity […]

  11. Planetary Science

    Martian Invasion

    If all goes according to plan, three spacecraft—one in December, two in January—will land on the Red Planet, looking for evidence that liquid water once flowed on its surface.

  12. 19206

    Your article has a picture of a “deer stone.” On it are engraved designs of reindeer that bear an astonishing resemblance to a tattoo borne by the 2,400-year old mummy discovered in 1993 in central Asia. Was this noticed by the researchers? Michelle BlanchardOlympia, Wash. Absolutely. William Fitzhugh, an expedition leader, says he was struck […]
