Search Results for: Penguin

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730 results
  1. Humans

    Good Gone Wild

    New research shows that the ecotourism model of raising conservation awareness while protecting indigenous cultures doesn't always work out as planned.

  2. Ecosystems

    Tortoise Genes and Island Beings

    Geneticists and conservation biologists are joining forces to untangle the evolutionary history of giant Galápagos tortoises and to safeguard the animals' future.

  3. Animals

    Cool Birds

    Emperor penguins go to such extremes to cope with life in Antarctica that they've inspired interesting science as well as a hit movie.

  4. 19604

    I very much enjoyed this article. What struck me, however, was a passage that mentioned the “bird’s resistance to the bends” and the researchers’ alleged inability to explain that. As a scuba diver, I know that the bends, or decompression sickness, is caused by breathing compressed air underwater. More nitrogen is absorbed in body tissue […]

  5. Humans

    Letters from the December 24 & 31, 2005, issue of Science News

    Bends, the truth I very much enjoyed “Cool Birds” (SN: 10/22/05, p. 266). What struck me, however, was a passage that mentioned the “bird’s resistance to the bends” and the researchers’ alleged inability to explain that. As a scuba diver, I know that the bends, or decompression sickness, is caused by breathing compressed air underwater. […]

  6. Anthropology

    Polynesian Latecomers: Easter Islanders took fast track to culture

    New radiocarbon dates from Easter Island indicate that the isolated Polynesian island was first colonized around A.D. 1200, up to 800 years later than had previously been thought.

  7. Inherit the Warmer Wind

    The genetic makeup of organisms ranging from fruit flies to birds appears to be changing in response to global warming.

  8. Paleontology

    Flightless Feathered Friends

    New finds of fossil penguins, as well as analyses of the characteristics and DNA of living penguins, are shedding light on the evolution of these flightless birds.

  9. Tech

    Ocean Envy

    By mimicking the flippers of penguins, whales, and dolphins, engineers hope to make ocean vessels that are as maneuverable and efficient as the marine animals.

  10. Tech

    Easy Striders

    New robots based on the mechanics of human walking use less energy and move more naturally than traditional bipedal robots do, suggesting new ways to approach two-legged robots and prosthetic design.

  11. Earth

    Live from the Aquarium

    The Monterey Bay Aquarium in California offers Webcam views of its kelp forest, penguins, and sea otters, along with underwater glimpses of its open ocean exhibit and images of the ocean waters along Cannery Row, just off the aquarium’s decks. The cameras are on from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., PST, so they capture the […]

  12. Humans

    Science News of the Year 2004

    A review of important scientific achievements reported in Science News during the year 2004.
