Search Results for: Chimpanzee

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947 results
  1. Anthropology

    Human laugh lines traced back to ape ancestors

    Chimps make laughing faces that speak to evolution of human ha-ha’s.

  2. Psychology

    Baby marmosets imitate parents’ sounds

    Vocal learning may work similarly in marmoset monkeys, songbirds and humans.

  3. Life

    Human use energy in brains, muscles differently than chimps do

    The way our brains and muscles use energy is strikingly distinct compared with chimpanzees' metabolism in these tissues, a finding that may explain the major differences between the two species.

  4. Anthropology

    Strategy, not habitat loss, leads chimps to kill rivals

    Human impacts on chimpanzees have not increased their violence.

  5. Genetics

    Chimp and human lineages may have split twice as long ago as thought

    New estimates of chimpanzee mutation rates suggest humans and chimps last shared a common ancestor 13 million years ago.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Two-part vaccine protects monkeys from Ebola

    An experimental vaccine protected macaques from infection with the Ebola virus up to 10 months after receiving the two-shot regimen.

  7. Anthropology

    Scans tell gripping tale of possible ancient tool use

    South African fossils contain inner signs of humanlike hands, indicating possible tool use nearly 3 million years ago.

  8. Life

    Gut microbes less diverse in humans than in apes

    An analysis of gut bacteria shows that humans have evolved to possess less diversity in microbe populations.

  9. Humans

    The expressive face of human history on display

    Busts on display in an Italian exhibit flesh out hominid skulls using the latest in 3-D reconstruction.

  10. Animals

    How a chimp goes mattress hunting

    Chimpanzees prefer firm beds made of ironwood, a new study finds.

  11. Life

    A new view of dinosaurs, a clearer view of lunar origins

  12. Humans

    The last common ancestor of humans and chimps probably wasn’t much like either
