Search Results for: Butterflies

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1,025 results
  1. Animals

    Nighttime light pollution sabotages sex pheromones of moths

    Artificial lighting at night can trick female moths into releasing skimpy, odd-smelling sex pheromones.

  2. Chemistry

    How butterflies stay dry

    Slightly bumpy surfaces reduce water drops’ contact time.

  3. Neuroscience

    For a friendlier zebra finch, just add stress

    Adding stress hormones to the diet of developing zebra finches produced birds that were social butterflies.

  4. Life

    Epic worldwide effort explores all of insect history

    A whopper of a genetic analysis fits all living orders of insects into one genealogical evolutionary tree.

  5. Animals

    Caiman tears make a salty snack

    An ecologist observed a bee and a butterfly hovering around a caiman, engaging in lacryphagous behavior, slurping up the crocodilian’s tears.

  6. Animals

    Year in review: Insect, bird evolution revisited

    Insects got an entirely new family tree after an extensive genetic analysis rearranged the creatures' relations.

  7. Plants

    Tropical plant knows whose bill is in its flowers

    A rainforest plant avoids inbreeding by accepting pollen only from hummingbird species that must travel to reach it.

  8. Astronomy

    Celebrating 25 years of the Hubble Space Telescope

    The Hubble Space Telescope has served for more than two decades as the sharpest eyes ever to peer into the universe.

  9. Animals

    Bees, up close and personal

    A photo archive from the U.S. Geological Survey's Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab offers detailed photos of bee species.

  10. Animals

    Butterflies’ tidy drinking tricks

    The long tube of the insects' mouthparts is fluid friendly only at the tip.

  11. Science & Society

    Is redoing scientific research the best way to find truth?

    Researchers don’t even agree on whether it is necessary to duplicate studies exactly or to validate the underlying principles.

  12. Math

    Born half a century ago, chaos theory languished for years
