Search Results for: Amphibian

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733 results
  1. Animals

    Snake fungal disease spreading in eastern United States

    A decade after snake fungal disease was first discovered, it has now been found in its 16th U.S. state.

  2. Animals

    Animals give clues to the origins of human number crunching

    Guppies, dogs, chickens, crows, spiders — lots of animals have number sense without knowing numbers.

  3. Animals

    For a python, every meal is like Thanksgiving

    Burmese pythons rarely eat, but when they do, they gorge. Unlike humans, pythons have adaptations that allow them to survive on huge meals.

  4. Life

    Close look at new fungus reveals origins, spread of salamander killer

    A second chytrid fungus described last year targets salamanders and may be spreading in the animal export trade.

  5. Paleontology

    Fossils illustrate evolution of life

    Paleontologist Donald Prothero takes readers through the evolution of life on Earth from the earliest oozes of goo to our recent relative Lucy.

  6. Physics

    Pentaquarks, locked-in syndrome and more reader feedback

    Readers discuss pentaquark sightings, delightful diatoms and whether an ancient four-legged fossil was actually a snake.

  7. Animals

    Where salamanders should be very afraid

    Three zones of North America at high risk if the salamander-killing fungus disease Bsal invades.

  8. Animals

    First known venomous frogs stab with toxin-dripping lip spikes

    Two Brazilian frogs jab foes with venoms more deadly than pit vipers'.

  9. Animals

    Why we need predators

    It might be easy to say that we should wipe out species that can kill us. But the effects of such action would be far ranging.

  10. Animals

    Seeing humans as superpredators

    People have become a unique predator, hunting mostly adults of other species.

  11. Animals

    Rainforest frogs flourish with artificial homes

    A rainforest frog population grew by about 50 percent when scientists built pools for tadpoles that mimic puddles made by other animals.

  12. Animals

    Rising temperatures may cause problems for cold-blooded critters

    Ectotherms cannot easily handle extreme temperatures, a new study finds.
