Search Results for: antarctica

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1,385 results
  1. Ecosystems

    Readers were curious about green icebergs, aliens and more

    Readers had questions and comments about icebergs and climate change, CBD and NASA’s search for E.T.

  2. Climate

    Collapsing ice cliffs may not contribute to sea level rise

    Scientists debate a controversial hypothesis that suggests that massive crumbling ice cliffs could speed up future sea level rise.

  3. Health & Medicine

    We may be on the brink of a coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what that means

    The coronavirus behind COVID-19 has not yet reached pandemic status, according the WHO, but we could be close.

  4. Climate

    How climate change is already altering oceans and ice, and what’s to come

    A new IPCC report gives the lowdown on how climate change is already wreaking havoc on Earth’s oceans and frozen regions, and how much worse things could get.

  5. Animals

    Poop provides a link in determining penguin diet from space

    Scientists have figured out what foods dominate an Adélie penguin colony’s diet by looking at Landsat imagery. But to do so, they had to start with penguin guano.

  6. Science & Society

    These science claims from 2019 could be big deals — if true

    Some of this year’s most tantalizing scientific finds aren’t yet ready for a “best of” list.

  7. Animals

    Penguin supercolony discovered in Antarctica

    Scientists have found a penguin supercolony living on tiny, remote Antarctic islands.

  8. Earth

    Ancient crystal growths in caves reveal seas rose 16 meters in a warmer world

    The Pliocene era cave formations on the Spanish coast of Mallorca offer hints about how oceans could respond to human-driven climate change.

  9. Climate

    In a climate crisis, is geoengineering worth the risks?

    Some scientists say the world needs to reconsider some human-made ideas to cool the climate as dire warnings about the looming crisis ramp up.

  10. Climate

    Malin Pinsky seeks to explain how climate change alters ocean life

    As global temperatures rise, Malin Pinsky’s research attempts to understand how marine ecosystems are changing and why.

  11. Climate

    Antarctica has lost about 3 trillion metric tons of ice since 1992

    Antarctica’s rate of ice loss has sped up since 1992 — mostly in the last five years, raising global sea level by almost 8 millimeters on average.

  12. Archaeology

    ‘Fruit from the Sands’ explores the Silk Road origins of apples, tea and more

    A new book explains how many of today’s popular foods got started on Central Asia’s ancient Silk Road trade networks.
