Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Humans

    Kids Deserve Their Own Science News

    Where to find cool and informative middle-school-appropriate news on science: Here.

  2. Life

    Life: Science news of the year, 2008

    Science News writers and editors looked back at the past year's stories and selected a handful as the year's most interesting and important in Life. Follow hotlinks to the full, original stories.

  3. Chemistry

    Happy fish?

    Researchers have detected antidepressant drugs in the brains of fish captured downstream of sewage-treatment plants.

  4. Animals

    Hatch a Thief: Brains incline birds toward a life of crime

    When it comes to a bird family's propensity to pilfer, a larger than usual brain for a particular body size is more important than body size alone.

  5. Animals

    Profiles in Courtship: Flirting male fish show their best sides

    Courting male guppies that sport a tad more orange on one side of their bodies than on the other tend to flash that brighter side at females.

  6. Psychology

    Wave of resilience

    Indian survivors of the devastating Asian tsunami employed spiritual and community coping strategies to regain emotional balance

  7. Earth

    Fish Free Fall: Hormone leads to population decline

    Trace amounts of the synthetic estrogen used in birth control pills can cause a fish population to collapse.

  8. Animals

    Not-OK Coral

    First big species audit finds coral extinction risks severely under-reported

  9. Humans

    Heed your elders, survive a tsunami

    An oral tradition passed down among islanders in the South Pacific saved many lives during a tsunami last year and illustrates the benefits that community-based education and awareness programs can provide.

  10. Animals

    Antibiotic Alligator: Promising proteins lurk in reptile blood

    Scientists are zeroing in on alligator blood proteins that show promise for fighting disease-causing microbes.

  11. Earth

    Cat disease associated with flame retardants

    An epidemic of hyperthyroidism in house cats may be the result of environmental exposure to certain flame retardants.

  12. Ecosystems

    Ecosystem engineers

    Nonnative earthworms are deliberately burying ragweed seeds, enhancing the weed’s growth, researchers report.
