Search Results for: Fish

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8,095 results
  1. Humans

    One-Stop Shopping for Every Species

    On Feb. 26, the Encyclopedia of Life went live. This site hopes to become the definitive place to find information on every living species—millions and millions of them. The first extensive sets of entries will include fish and members of the potato and tomato families. But more species will be added all the time—offering basic […]

  2. Biological Moon Shot

    The first entries—with the basics for a mere 30,000 species—in the Web-based Encyclopedia of Life are scheduled for release in a matter of weeks.

  3. Animals

    Smells Funny: Fish schools break up over body odor

    Just an hour's swim in slightly contaminated water can give a fish such bad body odor that its schoolmates shun it.

  4. Life

    First lipid hormone discovered

    An omega-7 fatty acid made by fat and liver cells acts as a hormone, even mimicking the health benefits of insulin.

  5. Humans

    BOOK REVIEW | Naked in the Woods: Joseph Knowles and the Legacy of Frontier Fakery

    Review by Davide Castelvecchi.

  6. Life

    Coral keeps it in the family

    The nutrients released during mass coral spawning feed the whole ecosystem.

  7. Chemistry

    Squid beak balances hard and soft

    Yet, the squishy creature’s bite packs a lot of punch.

  8. Animals

    Built for Speed

    Animals would prove fierce competitors at the Olympics — if only they would stay in their lanes.

  9. Humans

    Toxic yes: Toxins? No

    Yet another news story baits us with the promise of reading about noxious toxins – and doesn't deliver.

  10. Physics

    Birds network too

    Starlings in a flock adjust their trajectories to those of their closest neighbors, which helps the flock stay together when under attack.

  11. Humans

    Real News: An Endangered Species

    Forget Black Monday. What will happen now that it's beome a Black Year for news reporters at papers and other conventional media?

  12. All in the Family

    Contrary to popular belief, species of salamanders, birds, beetles and fish prefer to mate with close kin.
