
  1. Paleontology

    Early birds could achieve liftoff

    Early birds and other flying dinosaurs had the strong legs and wing speed needed to launch into the air directly from the ground, researchers argue.

  2. Genetics

    Ancient hookups gave chimps a smidge of bonobo DNA

    Genetic evidence suggests bonobos and chimpanzees interbred after becoming separate species.

  3. Climate

    Climate change shifts how long ants hang on to coveted real estate

    Simulated climate warming reveals a new pattern in turnover of ant nests.

  4. Animals

    With climate change, grizzly bears may hibernate less

    New research shows that food availability and weather are driving when grizzly bears enter and exit their dens for hibernation.

  5. Animals

    Maps show genetic diversity in mammals, amphibians around the world

    Maps of genetic diversity within mammal and amphibian species provide a baseline for understanding the effects of human activity and climate change on animals.

  6. Archaeology

    Wild monkeys throw curve at stone-tool making’s origins

    Monkeys that make sharp-edged stones raise questions about evolution of stone tool production.

  7. Animals

    Melatonin makes midshipman fish sing

    Melatonin lets people sleep but starts male midshipman fish melodiously humming their hearts out.

  8. Animals

    Berries may give yellow woodpeckers a red dye job

    A diet of invasive honeysuckle berries may be behind stray red feathers in woodpeckers called yellow-shafted flickers.

  9. Animals

    Be careful what you say around jumping spiders

    Sensitive leg hairs may let jumping spiders hear sounds through the air at much greater distances than researchers imagined.

  10. Animals

    Hot and spicy pain signals get blocked in naked mole-rats

    Naked mole-rats have a protein that interrupts pain signal.

  11. Animals

    Hot and spicy pain signals get blocked in naked mole-rats

    Naked mole-rats have a protein that interrupts pain signal.

  12. Paleontology

    Birds’ honks filled Late Cretaceous air

    Oldest avian voice box fossil yet discovered belonged to a ducklike bird that lived during the age of the dinosaurs.
