Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    Insect queens sterilize workers with similar chemical

    When exposed to a form of saturated hydrocarbons that mimicked the queen’s scent, the worker insects’ ovaries degraded.

  2. Plants

    Plants’ ATP collector found

    Scientists identified two genes that write the code for the molecules, or receptors, that pull ATP into plant cells.

  3. Animals

    Jellyfish bloom in spring when winter ‘timer’ dings

    The coordinated appearance of the adult form of the animal is the result of a metamorphosis hormone that accumulates during winter months.

  4. Animals

    Head cam shows how falcons track prey

    Falcons use motion camouflage to capture flying prey, a new study shows.

  5. Astronomy

    Planet found around sun twin in star cluster

    The exoplanet YBP1194b orbits a twin of the sun in the star cluster Messier 67. Astronomers found three planets orbiting stars in the cluster.

  6. Genetics

    Scorpion’s sting evolved from insects’ defensive proteins

    With a single genetic mutation, an insect’s defensive proteins can be transformed into a toxin that gives scorpions their signature sting, a new study shows.

  7. Genetics

    Microbe and human genes influence stomach cancer risk

    When genes of the bacterium and its human host evolve together, the strain is less harmful than that same strain in a person whose ancestors didn't encounter that particular microbe.

  8. Genetics

    Elephant shark genome small and slow to evolve

    The animals have the smallest genome of non-bony fishes and the slowest-evolving genes among vertebrates, a study suggests.

  9. Extinct ocean reptiles now appear in color

    Fossilized turtle, mosasaur and ichthyosaur tissue holds skin pigments that give scientists clues about what the animals looked like and how the coloration may have helped in colder climates.

  10. Social networks stay small despite social networking

    When adding new friends to social circles, people unconsciously bump others out, keeping social circles small and finite.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Nanoparticle injection blocks breast cancer growth in mice

    A nanoparticle-based therapy delivered directly to the mammary ducts could potentially stop pre-cancerous cells from becoming full-blown breast cancer, scientists say.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Distractions raise crash risk for newly licensed drivers

    The risk of a crash or near-crash for newly licensed drivers is tripled or greater when they are eating, texting or rubbernecking, researchers report.
