Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Planetary Science

    Saturn may be getting a new moon

    An icy object within Saturn's rings may be a new moon in the making.

  2. Genetics

    Modern hunter-gatherers’ guts host distinct microbes

    A healthy collection of gut bacteria depends on the environment in which people live and their lifestyle, research shows.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Hepatitis C treatment appears extremely effective

    A mix of four medications has provided the most effective way to date to counter the hepatitis C virus in humans.

  4. Life

    How cells keep from popping

    The protein SWELL1 stops cells from swelling so much that they burst, a new study shows.

  5. Earth

    Huge space rock rattled Earth 3 billion years ago

    An asteroid almost as wide as Rhode Island may have plowed into Earth 3.26 billion years ago, leaving its mark in South Africa’s Barberton greenstone belt.

  6. Life

    Amoebas’ munching may cause diarrheal disease

    Amoebas biting and swallowing pieces of human cells may be what causes amebic dysentery, a potentially fatal diarrheal disease in the developing world.

  7. Quantum Physics

    Small step taken for quantum communication

    A single atom can change the state of a photon, which may help build quantum networks.

  8. Tech

    Atlantic razor clam inspires robot to dig deeper

    A robot digs using the same method as the Atlantic razor clam.

  9. Astronomy

    El Gordo galaxy cluster as hefty as 3 million billion suns

    The galaxy cluster El Gordo, which is Spanish for “the fat one," is roughly 43 percent more massive than earlier estimates.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Changes in kids’ genomes linked to chronic stress

    In a study of 40 nine-year-old boys, kids from underprivileged backgrounds had telomeres that were 19 percent shorter than those of boys from more privileged environments.

  11. Physics

    Meet Big Bird, highest-energy neutrino ever detected

    Big Bird, the neutrino, struck the Antarctic ice with a record 2 million billion electron volts of energy.

  12. Humans

    Father’s obesity linked to autism in children

    A father-to-be’s body mass may be a greater risk factor for his child’s development of autism than the body mass of the mother.
