Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Life

    Dietary fiber may curb appetite by acting on brain

    Fiber's ability to curb appetite may come from gut molecules traveling to and acting on the brain, not the gut alone.

  2. Genetics

    E. coli’s mutation rate linked to cells’ crosstalk

    When E. coli cells are in smaller crowds, their genes mutate at an increased rate.

  3. Life

    1918 flu pandemic linked to human, bird virus gene swap

    The 1918 pandemic flu, which killed up to 50 million people, may have come from a human virus and a bird virus swapping genetic material.

  4. Anthropology

    Lake Huron holds 9,000-year-old hunting blinds

    The human-made hunting blinds were arranged to drive caribou into a centralized "kill zone," suggesting cooperation among ancient hunters.

  5. Astronomy

    Chilly starlike orb found just a few light-years away

    WISE J085510.83-071442.5 is the coldest brown dwarf found to date.

  6. Genetics

    Y chromosome gets a closer examination

    The Y chromosome may play a larger role in Turner syndrome and in health and disease differences between males and females than previously thought.

  7. Astronomy

    More details of super-bright supernova released

    A supernova whose light was magnified by a large galaxy in front of it is changing the way astronomers think about distant cosmic objects.

  8. Materials Science

    How fractals jam glassy materials

    Understanding the intricate energy landscape of glasses could help to explain what happens when glassy materials are deformed or when coffee beans in a container jam.

  9. Genetics

    Gene therapy with electrical pulses spurs nerve growth

    Deaf guinea pigs' hearing improves with electrical pulses from a hearing implant are combined with gene therapy, a new study shows.

  10. Animals

    Dolphins use sponges to dine on different grub

    The animals can learn to use tools to exploit food sources that would be otherwise unavailable, a study suggests.

  11. Genetics

    Rainbow trout genome shows how genetic material evolved

    The finding challenges the idea that whole genome duplications are followed by quick, massive reorganization and deletions of genetic material.

  12. Genetics

    New antibiotic resistance genes found in cow manure

    Identifying these genes offers clues to how antibiotic resistance could move from agricultural ecosystems to other communities of organisms.
