Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Life

    Bacteria’s tail spins make water droplets swirl

    When bacteria band together, they can turn a fairly tame drop of water into a swirling vortex.

  2. Earth

    Wavy jet stream linked with extreme weather

    Extreme weather events have been linked with big waves in the jet stream.

  3. Planetary Science

    Mystery patch found floating on Titan’s seas

    Changes on the surface of a methane lake on one of Saturn’s moons may signal the onset of summer there.

  4. Quantum Physics

    Electrons’ magnetic interactions measured

    Using characteristics of quantum mechanics, the minuscule magnetic interaction between two electrons has been measured.

  5. Tiny galaxies had big influence on early universe

    Nearly one-third of stars in the early universe were created in dwarf galaxies.

  6. Cosmology

    Paper reporting primordial gravitational waves published

    The paper reporting the detection of primordial gravitational waves from a split-second after the Big Bang has finally been published.

  7. Astronomy

    Rosetta spacecraft is closing in on comet 67P/C-G

    The Rosetta spacecraft is still on track to pull up and park next to comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in August.

  8. Tech

    Robo-fly steadies flight with onboard sensor

    Scaling a robot to the size of a fly and stabilizing its flight with onboard sensors offers clues to how live insects stay steady in mid-air.

  9. Genetics

    How you bet is affected by your genes

    When betting, people's decisions are influenced by variations in a set of genes that regulate the brain chemical dopamine.

  10. Life

    Genetic mutation quenches quantum quirk in algae

    Studying algae that can and cannot use quantum coherence to harvest light could lead to better organic solar cells and quantum-based electronic devices.

  11. Health & Medicine

    ‘Bionic’ pancreas shows promise in diabetes test

    Tests of a “bionic pancreas” confirm that the wearable devices can maintain blood glucose levels without the need for finger pricks or insulin shots in patients with type 1 diabetes.

  12. Quantum Physics

    How to build a quantum-entangled superclock

    A blueprint for a quantum-entangled superclock suggests that such a device could enable startlingly precise measurements of Earth’s terrain.
