Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Life

    Bacteria’s bodies do whirlies to help them swim

    Kidney-shaped Caulobacter crescentus bacteria swim with both their corkscrew propellers called flagella and their bodies, scientists say.

  2. Microbes

    Gut microbes help packrats eat poison

    Antiobiotics and fecal transplants in desert woodrats shown that gut microbes can help plant-eaters metabolize toxins.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Pig heartbeats adjusted with gene therapy

    A biological pacemaker created with gene therapy could may one day help people who cannot have implanted electrical pacemakers.

  4. Health & Medicine

    First case of chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus, acquired in U.S.

    The case represents the first time that mosquitoes on the U.S. mainland have passed the virus to a person.

  5. Planetary Science

    Rosetta spacecraft sees possible ‘double’ comet

    The comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko may actually be two objects stitched together.

  6. Particle Physics

    Dark matter hunters may get three new experiments

    NSF and DOE have approved three new facilities to look for the exotic particles that might make up dark matter.

  7. Paleontology

    Dinos’ long tail feathers may have stopped crash landings

    C. yangi's long tail feathers may have helped it control its flight speed as it tried to land.

  8. Chemistry

    Boron atoms take on buckyball shape

    The first boron buckyball-like molecule could be used for storing hydrogen, scientists suggest.

  9. Health & Medicine

    HIV returns in girl once considered cured of the infection

    An infant girl, once thought to be cured of HIV, now has detectable levels of the virus.

  10. Life

    Ocean microbes orchestrate gene activity

    The bacteria’s daily cycles aren’t just for photosynthesis, a new study suggests.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Mold behind 2013 yogurt recall may cause disease

    Genome sequencing links a new, virulent strain of mold to the 2013 Chobani yogurt recall.

  12. Climate

    Meat-eaters’ greenhouse gas emissions are twice as high as vegans’

    Meat-eaters dietary GHG emissions are twice as high as those of vegans, a study finds.
