Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Astronomy

    Second stop planned for mission to Pluto

    Scientists identify three possible targets for the New Horizons probe after it visits the former planet.

  2. Astronomy

    Cosmic jets re-created in a lab

    Physicists have recreated in a lab the plasma jets that erupt from young stars and black holes.

  3. Planetary Science

    MAVEN gives first look at Mars’ escaping atmosphere

    Bits of Mars have been caught in the act of floating off into space.

  4. Genetics

    House fly’s genome hints at detox genes

    The house fly's DNA instructions include extra genes that may help detoxify and decompose animal waste.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Dallas health worker is first to catch Ebola in U.S.

    A health worker in Dallas has Ebola. She is the first to catch the virus in the U.S.

  6. Environment

    World’s first full-scale clean coal plant now up and running

    After decades of delays, technology that cuts carbon emissions from commercial power plants has made its worldwide debut.

  7. Microbes

    Gut bacteria protein linked to anorexia and bulimia

    Gut bacteria may play a role in eating disorders, a new study suggests.

  8. Health & Medicine

    First Ebola patient diagnosed in U.S. dies

    Thomas Eric Duncan, who contracted the virus in Liberia and fell ill four days after traveling to Dallas, died October 8.

  9. Tech

    Microscopy techniques win Nobel Prize in chemistry

    The award goes to three scientists who developed fluorescence microscopy, which allows researchers to see single molecules just a billionth of a meter across.

  10. Physics

    Blue light-emitting diode earns three researchers Nobel Prize in physics

    The invention of blue light-emitting diodes has been awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in physics.

  11. Planetary Science

    Sun may make most of the water on moon’s surface

    A constant stream of particles from the sun bombarding the moon's surface may be the source of most lunar water.

  12. Neuroscience

    Brain’s map cells win three scientists Nobel Prize

    The discovery of brain cells that provide a sort of “inner GPS” has been awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.
