Science Ticker
A roundup of research and breaking news
Source of sperm and egg’s zinc sparks identified
Detailed imaging reveals the origin of zinc sparks that fly when egg meets sperm in mammals.
Early heart attack tied to rare mutations in two genes
Rare mutations in two genes greatly increase the risk of having a heart attack early in life, a study shows.
Male monkeys’ social bonds may ease everyday stress
When male primates live in groups with other males, they tend to fight over females. But male-male bonding can reduce stress, a study finds.
Finch sperm go long to fertilize more eggs
For finches, longer sperm mean a faster route to storage and a higher likelihood of being a dad at the end of the day.
Place cells in brain reveal how memories are kept separate
Place cells' distinct firing patterns reveal how the brain has such a huge capacity for storing memories and distinguishing them from one another.
Science & Society
Microsoft cofounder funds new institute for cell science
The Allen Institute for Cell Science will be housed in the same building in Seattle as the Allen Institute for Brain Science.
Planetary Science
Pluto probe wakes up one last time
The New Horizons probe will remain active for the remainder of its journey to Pluto.
Male smokers more likely to lose Y chromosomes
Male smokers are more likely to lose Y chromosomes in their blood cells than men who have never smoked or those who have kicked the habit.
NASA’s Orion spacecraft has flawless first test flight
NASA’s new vehicle for human exploration of deep space has successfully completed its first unmanned test flight.
Main protein for sensing touch identified in mammals
A close look at how mice respond to touch has helped scientists pinpoint the protein, called Piezo2, that makes mammals feel the sensation.
Genetic tests confirm remains are those of King Richard III
DNA evidence has finally confirmed that remains found beneath a parking lot in Leicester, England, are those of King Richard III.
Health & Medicine
Ebola vaccine shows no major side effects in small study
An experimental vaccine against Ebola virus has tested well in people, researchers report.