Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Life

    Finches can pass H7N9 bird flu to chickens

    In laboratory experiments, society finches spread H7N9 into water when they drank, infecting chickens and quail that drank the same water.

  2. Life

    Cyborg beetles reveal secrets of insect flight

    Remote controlled beetles swoop to the rescue in insect flight simulations.

  3. Animals

    Nanocrystals explain chameleons’ color shifts

    Tiny crystals embedded in chameleons’ skin reflect specific wavelengths of light based on their position, explaining how chameleons change colors.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Rise in measles cases predicted in Ebola-stricken areas

    Disruptions in vaccination campaigns in West Africa during the Ebola outbreak could lead to as many as 16,000 deaths from measles in the coming months.

  5. Planetary Science

    Rosetta probe to start listening for the lost lander Philae

    The European Space Agency’s Rosetta probe will start listening for a signal from the lost lander Philae, missing in action since its landing on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on November 12.

  6. Astronomy

    Hubble telescope sees quadruple

    A galaxy bends light to create four images of the same supernova.

  7. Planetary Science

    Dawn spacecraft on final approach to Ceres

    Dawn gets ready to enter the first orbit of its 14-month visit to the dwarf planet Ceres.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Arsenic spurs adaptation in Argentinian villagers

    The people of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina, have genetic adaptations that may help them efficiently get rid of arsenic, a new study shows.

  9. Animals

    How pigeons bob and weave through obstacles

    When navigating an obstacle course, pigeons weigh energy efficiency against the danger of collision, research finds.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Despite risks, vaccine delay requests are common

    A survey of pediatricians and family doctors finds parents frequently put off vaccines for babies even though doctors warn it can place the children at risk of illness.

  11. Plants

    Plant growth patterns changing on much of Earth’s surface

    More than half of Earth’s land surface has seen major changes in factors such as leaf-on date and how much vegetation grows in a season.

  12. Life

    Superfast evolution observed in soil bacteria

    Natural selection resurrects flagella in soil bacteria in just four days.
