Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Science & Society

    John Nash, Louis Nirenberg share math’s Abel Prize

    John Nash and Louis Nirenberg will receive the 2015 ‘Nobel of mathematics’ for their work on partial differential equations.

  2. Quantum Physics

    One photon wrangles 3,000 atoms into quantum entanglement

    A single photon can trigger the creation of quantum entanglement between thousands of atoms.

  3. Life

    A vineyard’s soil influences the microbiome of a grapevine

    Vineyard soil microbes end up on grapes, leaves and flowers, study finds.

  4. Neuroscience

    The brain sees words, even nonsense ones, as pictures

    Once we learn a word, our brain sees the string of letters as a picture, even if the word isn't a real one.

  5. Chemistry

    Today’s pot is more potent, less therapeutic

    The medicinal qualities of marijuana may be up in smoke thanks to years of cross-breeding plants for a better buzz.

  6. Planetary Science

    Potentially life-friendly nitrogen compounds found on Mars

    “Fixed” nitrogen has been found in Mars deposits, raising the possibility that ancient life could have used it to build biomolecules.

  7. Planetary Science

    Bright patches on Ceres are plumes of water, maybe

    Bright patches on Ceres could be plumes of water venting into space.

  8. Animals

    Why orangutans cup their mouths to sound an alarm

    Orangutans might use their hands to lower the pitch of alarm calls, a study suggests.

  9. Animals

    Parasites make cannibal shrimp hungry

    Parasites make sometimes-cannibalistic shrimp more cannibalistic, a new study suggests.

  10. Genetics

    History of the United Kingdom revealed in its genes

    A genetics study finds subtle differences that reveal secrets about the history and ancestry of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  11. Animals

    How velvet worms slime their prey

    Researchers have figured out the mechanics behind velvet worms’ wobbly slime jets.

  12. Animals

    Mudskippers use watery tongue to slurp up snacks on land

    When mudskippers move from water to land, they use a tongue made of water to move food to the back of their throat and into their stomachs.
