Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Paleontology

    Horned dino aside, here are some other fun fossil finds

    Here's a roundup of some fossil finds reported this week.

  2. Climate

    Real estate is tight as marine species move to cooler waters

    Marine species migrating amid global warming face shrinking habitats in cooler locations.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Fly spit protein holds back parasite infection in monkeys

    A protein called PdS15 found in the saliva of the sand fly that spreads leishmaniasis may be used in a vaccine to combat the parasitic scourge causing the illness.

  4. Planetary Science

    Cassini gets last look at Saturn’s spongy satellite Hyperion

    The Cassini spacecraft buzzed Saturn’s spongy moon Hyperion for the final time and sent back more pictures of this odd little satellite.

  5. Anthropology

    Chimps prefer roasted potatoes, hinting at origins of cooking

    Chimps really dig roasted potatoes, suggesting cooking arose millions of years ago.

  6. Animals

    Parakeets can catch yawns from their neighbors

    Humans and dogs aren't the only ones that can pass along a yawn. They appear to be contagious among parakeets, too.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Mice grow a thinner skin during long stays in space

    Mice that spent three months in space had thinner skin and extra hair growth compared with rodents that were grounded on Earth.

  8. Climate

    Everest could lose most of its ice by 2100

    The Everest region of the Himalayas could lose 73 to 96 percent of its ice by 2100, new research predicts.

  9. Planetary Science

    NASA picks nine instruments for future mission to Europa

    NASA has selected nine instruments to fly on a future spacecraft to Jupiter’s ice-covered moon Europa.

  10. Genetics

    White House hits pause on editing human germline cells

    The White House has hit pause, for now, on clinical experiments that could alter the human germ line.

  11. Climate

    Once-stable Antarctic glaciers are now melting rapidly

    A group of glaciers in Antarctica that were once stable started rapidly melting in 2009, new research shows.

  12. Animals

    Crows safeguard sticks to speed future food-finding forays

    New Caledonian crows safeguard the sticks they use to find food. As the risk of losing the tool increases, the more protective the birds become.
