Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    This may be the world’s tiniest snail

    Tiny snail unearthed in China could be the world's smallest, researchers report.

  2. Animals

    Some bats chug nectar with conveyor belt tongues

    Grooved bat tongues work like escalators or conveyor belts, transporting nectar from tip to mouth.

  3. Planetary Science

    Salt streaks sign of present-day water flows on Mars

    Salt deposits on Mars hint at contemporary seasonal water flows on the Red Planet.

  4. Animals

    Don’t judge a whale’s gut microbiome by diet alone

    Evolutionary history and diet may both determine the microbes that live in a baleen whale's stomach, researchers report.

  5. Anthropology

    Ancient hominid ears were tuned to high frequencies

    Two ancient hominid species may have heard high-frequency sounds especially well.

  6. Astronomy

    This weekend, lunar eclipse coincides with supermoon

    On September 27, sky gazers will be treated to a rare type of total lunar eclipse.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Balloons-and-glue device seals remote wounds inside the body

    To repair damaged tissue, surgeons can deliver a glue patch using two balloons and a blast of UV light.

  8. Physics

    Invisibility cloaks slim down

    An ultrathin invisibility cloak called a skin cloak offers more stealth in a thinner package.

  9. Animals

    Warmer waters give Arctic mosquitoes a growth spurt

    Arctic mosquitoes develop faster in warmer waters, outpacing increased predation.

  10. Planetary Science

    Satellite captures double solar eclipse in action

    NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a rare double eclipse as both Earth and the moon partially blocked the sun.

  11. Climate

    Earth just had its first storm-free hurricane peak in 38 years

    This year marks the first time since 1977 that September 12, the typical height of the Atlantic hurricane season, passed without a single major cyclone anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere.

  12. Ecosystems

    Patrolling bats protect corn fields from pests

    Bats play a key role in protecting corn from pests and fungus.
