Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    Jumping conchs triumph at overheated athletics

    “Simple” circulatory system outdoes fancier ones in delivering oxygen for jumping conchs in simulated climate change conditions.

  2. Oceans

    Widespread coral bleaching threatens world’s reefs

    The world’s corals are experiencing their third major bleaching event in 17 years.

  3. Planetary Science

    Ancient Mars had long-lasting lakes of liquid water

    New evidence gathered by NASA’s Curiosity rover suggests Gale Crater once contained a stable lake of liquid water.

  4. Animals

    Fish have had telescoping jaws for 100 million years

    Around 100 million years ago, fish developed a knack for extending their jaws to snare prey, and they’ve been perfecting this hunting technique ever since.

  5. Health & Medicine

    Weight and sun exposure linked to onset of multiple sclerosis

    Among people with multiple sclerosis, those with higher body mass and lower adolescent sun exposure tended to be diagnosed with the disease at an earlier age, a new study suggests.

  6. Genetics

    Chemistry Nobel honors studies of DNA repair mechanisms

    Studies of DNA’s repair mechanisms have won Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar the 2015 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  7. Particle Physics

    Discovery of neutrino mass earns 2015 physics Nobel

    The discovery that subatomic particles called neutrinos have mass has won Takaaki Kajita of the University of Tokyo and Arthur McDonald of Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, the 2015 Nobel Prize in physics.

  8. Plants

    Raindrops help pitcher plants trap dinner

    Pitcher plants use the force of falling raindrops to fling prey into their traps.

  9. Plants

    Stinky seeds dupe dung beetles

    Seeds that look and smell like animal poop can trick dung beetles into spreading and burying the seeds.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Therapies against roundworm, malaria parasites win medicine Nobel

    The 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology was awarded to Youyou Tu for her work in counteracting malaria, and to William Campbell and Satoshi Omura for work on treatments against roundworm parasites.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Sperm protein may offer target for male contraceptive

    With the identification of a new sperm protein that helps sperm penetrate eggs, researchers may be closer to developing birth control pills for men.

  12. Neuroscience

    Kavli Foundation gives more money for the brain

    The Kavli Foundation will provide $100 million toward solving the mysteries of the brain.
