Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Genetics

    Asian tiger mosquito genome sequenced

    Researchers have sequenced the genome of the Asian tiger mosquito, a stealthy invasive species and carrier of tropical diseases.

  2. Animals

    For glowworms, the brightest girls get the guy

    Brighter female glowworms attract more mates and lay more eggs than their dimmer peers.

  3. Astronomy

    Dead stars team up for supernova explosions

    Three type 1a supernovas show hints of being triggered by collisions between pairs of white dwarfs.

  4. Climate

    Climate change could shift New England’s fall foliage

    Climate change could make for earlier or later fall color, depending on where you live in New England.

  5. Earth

    4.1-billion-year-old crystal may hold earliest signs of life

    A carbon impurity embedded inside an ancient zircon crystal suggests that life on Earth appeared before 4.1 billion years ago.

  6. Climate

    High-flying birds recruited for meteorology

    Monitoring the midflight movements of high-flying birds can provide valuable meteorological data, new research shows.

  7. Planetary Science

    Five surprising discoveries about Pluto

    Here are five key (though not necessarily new) findings in the paper that epitomize the surprising complexity of the Pluto system.

  8. Animals

    Bees get hooked on flowers’ caffeine buzz

    Flowers drug honey bees with caffeinated nectar to trick them into returning, causing the bees to shift their foraging and dancing behaviors.

  9. Health & Medicine

    First known case of sexually transmitted Ebola reported

    A Liberian woman contracted Ebola in March by having sex with a survivor of the viral disease, researchers report.

  10. Animals

    Root fungi make or break monarchs’ chances against parasite

    Fungi that live amid the roots of milkweed plants change the chemicals produced in the plant’s leaves, which can either aid or hinder a monarch butterfly’s ability to fight off parasites.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Cancer drug’s effectiveness overinflated in animal studies

    Claims about the cancer drug sunitinib are overblown because of poorly designed studies and negative results that were never published, a new analysis suggests.

  12. Earth

    Surface spills near fracking sites implicated in water contamination

    Chemical spills from fracking operations are the likely source of chemicals found in drinking water wells in northeastern Pennsylvania.
