Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Genetics

    DNA may determine if you’re an early bird or night owl

    Morning people are more likely to have certain variations in their DNA, but less likely to have insomnia or sleep apnea.

  2. Genetics

    U.K. first to approve gene editing of human embryos for research

    The United Kingdom is the first government to approve gene editing in human embryos for research purposes.

  3. Health & Medicine

    WHO declares international emergency for cases linked to Zika virus

    The recent spate of birth defects and neurological disorders linked to Zika virus infection constitutes an international public health emergency, the World Health Organization declared February 1.

  4. Animals

    Behavior, body size impact bats’ fight against white-nose syndrome

    Behavioral and physical traits buffer some bats against white-nose syndrome while leaving others vulnerable.

  5. Animals

    Skin color changes reveal octopus drama

    Shallow-water octopuses use changes in skin color to communicate aggression to their peers, study suggests.

  6. Tech

    Machine trumps man in strategy game Go

    For the first time, a computer has beat a professional human player in the strategy game Go.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Monkeys with human gene show signs of autism

    Genetically altered monkeys may help scientists understand autism.

  8. Animals

    Tegu lizards warm up for mating season

    The heat is on in tegu lizards during mating season, study suggests.

  9. Animals

    New tree frog genus discovered in India

    Researchers unveil a newly identified tree frog genus from northeastern India that eats mom’s eggs.

  10. Planetary Science

    Evidence mounts for hidden ninth planet

    A new analysis of bodies in the Kuiper Belt strengthens the case for an unseen planet lurking in the outer regions of our solar system.

  11. Genetics

    Bubonic plague hung around in Europe

    DNA from plague victims suggests that a European reservoir of the plague bacterium Yersinia pestis could have fueled the medieval pandemic.

  12. Health & Medicine

    CDC issues travel guidelines for pregnant women

    Pregnant women should consider postponing travel to much of Latin America and the Caribbean.
