Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    Plain ol’ Texas rat snakes basically match vipers for speed

    Rattlesnakes and other vipers are not the fastest fangs in the West.

  2. Tech

    Computer program bests world champion 4-1 in strategy game Go

    Google DeepMind’s Go-playing computer program AlphaGo has topped Lee Sedol, the world’s reigning Go player, in a five-game match in South Korea.

  3. Ecosystems

    FDA predicts no significant environmental impact from GM mosquitoes

    The FDA has taken a step in the process of deciding whether to allow the first test release in the United States of genetically modified mosquitoes to fight diseases such as Zika.

  4. Planetary Science

    ExoMars mission to search for signs of life on the Red Planet

    The next mission to Mars will tally gases in the planet’s atmosphere and test technologies for a 2018 rover.

  5. Animals

    Great tits sing with syntax

    Humans are no longer the only species to use compositional syntax. Great tits do, too.

  6. Tech

    Computer takes first game in match against Go world champion

    The computer program AlphaGo takes the lead in a five-match challenge of the strategy game Go.

  7. Animals

    Mite-virus alliance could be bringing down honeybees

    Parasitic mites and a virus have a mutually beneficial alliance while attacking honeybees.

  8. Planetary Science

    Mountains on Pluto are a winter wonderland of methane snow

    On Pluto, methane snow blankets mountain tops.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Brazil study strengthens link between Zika virus, birth defects

    In a study of pregnant women in Brazil, nearly 30 percent of those infected with Zika virus had babies with fetal abnormalities.

  10. Animals

    These beetles use surface tension to water-ski

    Waterlily beetles are in for a fast and bumpy ride as they fly across ponds, researchers find.

  11. Science & Society

    Zika virus, mosquitoes, gene drives: Ask us anything

    Three Science News reporters answer questions about zika virus, genetically engineered mosquitoes, mosquito biology and more in a Reddit AMA on Friday, March 4.

  12. Environment

    Low levels of radiation from Fukushima persist in seafood

    Aquatic species in Japan contain low levels of radioactive cesium, but some freshwater species risk high contamination.
