Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    For snowy owls, wintering on the prairie might be normal

    Some snowy owls leave the Arctic for winter. That’s not a desperate move, new study says.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Mosquito moms can pass Zika to offspring

    In the lab, Zika virus can pass from a female mosquito to her eggs, suggesting how infections can flare up again after adult insects dwindle.

  3. Genetics

    Genes help snub-nosed monkeys live the high life

    Snub nosed monkeys have certain genetic variants that help them breathe easy in low oxygen.

  4. Animals

    Hoverflies (probably) can’t sense gravity

    Acrobatic insects called hoverflies may simply use visual and airflow cues and not gravity to orient their bodies midair.

  5. Animals

    Evidence piles up for popular pesticides’ link to pollinator problems

    Neonicotinoid pesticides linked to population declines in California butterflies and wild bee extinctions in Great Britain.

  6. Animals

    Female fish have a fail-safe for surprise sperm attacks

    A Mediterranean fish provides evidence that, even after laying their eggs, females can still influence who fertilizes them.

  7. Astronomy

    This year’s Perseid meteor shower will be especially flashy

    This year’s Perseid meteor shower could produce up to 200 meteors per hour as Earth plows through the debris trail of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

  8. Animals

    Colugo genome reveals gliders as primate cousins

    New genetic analysis suggests gliding mammals called colugos are actually sisters to modern primates.

  9. Genetics

    Scientists get a glimpse of chemical tagging in live brains

    For the first time scientists can see where molecular tags known as epigenetic marks are placed in the brain.

  10. Neuroscience

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen in the brain

    Red blood cells sense low oxygen and speed to the scene, a new study suggests.

  11. Chemistry

    X-rays reveal portrait hiding beneath Degas masterpiece

    X-ray technique reveals an additional painting hiding behind Edgar Degas’ "Portrait of a Woman."

  12. Animals

    Smart mice have better odds of survival

    African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) may survive summer droughts by their wits, a study suggests.
