Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Computing

    AI system learns like a human, stores info like a computer

    A new artificial neural network hooked up to extra memory can learn to solve complex problems.

  2. Animals

    Hot and spicy pain signals get blocked in naked mole-rats

    Naked mole-rats have a protein that interrupts pain signal.

  3. Animals

    African elephants walk on their tippy-toes

    Pressure plates reveal how African elephants load their feet when they walk, providing clues to pachyderm podiatry problems.

  4. Planetary Science

    Saturn’s moon Dione might harbor an underground ocean

    Saturn’s moon Dione might have an underground ocean, like several other moons in the solar system.

  5. Chemistry

    Minuscule machines earn trio 2016 chemistry Nobel

    The creators of mini machines including chains, axles and motors have earned the 2016 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  6. Physics

    Trio wins physics Nobel for math underlying exotic states of matter

    The 2016 Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded for theoretical discoveries of topological phases of matter.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Japanese scientist wins Nobel for revealing secrets of cellular recycling

    Discovering how cells act as mini recycling plants wins the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi.

  8. Planetary Science

    Rosetta spacecraft lands on comet, ends mission

    The Rosetta mission comes to an end as spacecraft touches down on surface of comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Zika virus infects cells that make bone, muscle in lab tests

    Zika virus infects embryonic cranial cells in lab-grown minibrains, potentially altering face and skull shape and brain development, and maybe even contributing to microcephaly.

  10. Astronomy

    Solar system sits within a major spiral arm of the Milky Way

    The solar system appears to live in one of the major spiral arms of the Milky Way, not in an offshoot as previously thought.

  11. Genetics

    First ‘three-parent baby’ born from nuclear transfer

    The first human baby produced through spindle nuclear transfer was born in April, New Scientist reports.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Measles has been eliminated in the Americas, WHO says

    Thanks to wide-spread vaccination against the viral disease, measles has officially been declared eliminated from the Americas.
