Science Ticker

A roundup of research and breaking news

  1. Animals

    Most illegal ivory is less than three years old

    Most of the ivory seized by law enforcement in the last decade doesn’t come from elephants poached many years ago.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Antibody protects against Zika virus in tests in mice

    A new treatment for Zika relies on human antibodies and can help protect pregnant mice from the virus’s damaging effects.

  3. Genetics

    Protective genetic variant may offer a path to future autoimmune therapies

    A natural tweak in the TYK2 protein strikes a balance between weak and overactive immune systems.

  4. Planetary Science

    Mars lander debris spotted

    The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter imaged the impact site of the Schiaparelli Mars lander, missing in action since its October 19 descent.

  5. Planetary Science

    Two unseen moons may circle Uranus

    Two more moons might be lurking around Uranus, causing material in the planet’s rings to clump up, Voyager 2 data suggest.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Nose cells fix knee cartilage in human trial

    A small clinical trial suggests that using nose cells to patch knee cartilage could be a viable treatment for injuries.

  7. Planetary Science

    Mars lander silent as mission scientists work out what went wrong

    Schiaparelli lander is still silent on the surface of Mars while mission scientists try to understand what happened during the probe’s descent.

  8. Planetary Science

    Juno spacecraft goes into ‘safe mode,’ continues to orbit Jupiter

    The Juno spacecraft has gone into safe mode while in orbit around Jupiter. Mission scientists are also closely monitoring a fuel valve issue on the probe.

  9. Planetary Science

    Mission scientists await signal from Mars lander

    The ExoMars mission’s Schiaparelli lander went silent before its scheduled landing on the Red Planet.

  10. Planetary Science

    ExoMars mission set to arrive at Red Planet on October 19

    The European ExoMars mission is about to arrive at the Red Planet, dropping a lander on the surface and putting a spacecraft into orbit.

  11. Particle Physics

    KATRIN experiment readies for quest to find neutrino’s mass

    The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino experiment, or KATRIN, has begun taking test data in its effort to measure the mass of neutrinos.

  12. Animals

    Berries may give yellow woodpeckers a red dye job

    A diet of invasive honeysuckle berries may be behind stray red feathers in woodpeckers called yellow-shafted flickers.
