Science & the Public

Where scienceand society meet

  1. Agriculture

    Dirt Is Not Soil

    Probing the distinction in what you call the stuff that mud is made of.

  2. Agriculture

    The Good Earth

    The Smithsonian is out to share the "secrets" of soil.

  3. Chemistry

    The Goop in Our Air

    Emerging data indicate that tiny and toxic particles polluting urban air chemically morph from hour by hour, depending on what other pollutants these particles encounter during journeys that can run hundreds of miles.

  4. Chemistry

    CO2: Only One Flavor

    Federal climate policymakers should have a grounding in basic chemistry.

  5. Health & Medicine

    One Downside to Sushi

    Uncooked fish can host detectable concentrations of potentially toxic chemicals — pollutants that cooking can make disappear,

  6. Humans

    Toxic yes: Toxins? No

    Yet another news story baits us with the promise of reading about noxious toxins – and doesn't deliver.

  7. Humans

    Cars Are Learning to Drive

    Hands-free driving, truth be told, sounds very appealing.

  8. Ecosystems

    Aspiring to Save the Planet

    The failure of the G-8 Summit to put some teeth in greenhouse-gas limits suggests it may be time for a global climate czar.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Animal rights and wrongs

    Featured blog: Some animal-rights activists are taking a page out of the anti-abortionists' playbook and now bully animal researchers at home.

  10. Humans

    Data Recycling and Other No-No’s

    At least one editor argues that maintaining the ethical behavior of journal authors requires constant policing.

  11. Agriculture

    Fishy Data on Weed Killer

    A popular weed killer can feminize wildlife by tinkering with a gene that indirectly affects the production of sex hormones.

  12. Science & Society

    Climate Threatens Living Fossil

    Thanks to global warming, within the lifetimes of certain reptiles in the South Pacific, all members of their species could be born male.
