Science & the Public

Where scienceand society meet

  1. Humans

    Kids Deserve Their Own Science News

    Where to find cool and informative middle-school-appropriate news on science: Here.

  2. Humans

    Obama, McCain Shun Science at the Podium

    The presidential candidates have pledged to respond to science questions in a virtual debate.

  3. Earth

    TV Take-Backs

    Here's one solution for all of the conventional TVs that will be cast off during the imminent digital-TV transition.

  4. Climate

    A Fairy Tale: Cheap Gas

    Lawmakers are looking for an answer on how to lower the price of gasoline: That's the wrong question.

  5. Climate

    IPCC Lite

    A new primer on climate change is slim and trim.

  6. Climate

    Trade affects China’s carbon footprint

    Featured blog: Goods exported from China to the United States and elsewhere account for a huge share of the Asian behemoth's emissions of greenhouse gases.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Costly Health Care Mistakes

    Medical malpractice that many of us won’t recognize as such — or be able to prove — remains too high.

  8. Earth

    EPA Gagged

    Federal officials have been told not to talk freely to the press or others who might ask questions EPA doesn't want to answer.

  9. Health & Medicine

    This trans fat is vindicated

    Featured blog: FDA accords some trans fats a "generally regarded as safe" designation.

  10. Chemistry

    Oil magnets

    Featured blog: Nanomagnets and wires point to a potentially better mousetrap — or crude trap — for dealing with oil spills.

  11. Fish Don’t Like DC’s Water

    Chloramine and fish shouldn't mix.

  12. Ecosystems

    Fish Houses

    Tanked half-way houses allow people and fish to get acquainted on their own terms — and exhibit their individual personalities.
