Science & Society
A parting shot of coffee
Science News biomedical writer Nathan Seppa gives some final thoughts on coffee, saunas and skepticism as he retires from the magazine after 18 years.
By Nathan Seppa
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Science News biomedical writer Nathan Seppa gives some final thoughts on coffee, saunas and skepticism as he retires from the magazine after 18 years.
Vitamin D seems to be living up to high expectations
Ryan Anderson’s graduate work helped researchers select Curiosity’s landing site in Gale Crater.
Astronomy writer Nadia Drake looks back on the astronaut’s reach.
While some of the hype around the boson’s discovery was exaggerated, many aspects of the Higgs’ real value to science and society went un- or understated.
With a pair of new papers, scientists have driven two more stakes through the heart of a controversial research finding that its authors won’t let die.
Higgs discovery celebrates math's power to make predictions about the real world.
A video on the CERN website confirms the existence of a heavy boson matching the description of the Higgs.
SETI scientist Jill Tarter retires from research to focus on raising funds to continue search for extraterrestrial life.
Moon will block sun, almost, for four minutes Sunday during annular eclipse
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