Life sciences writer Susan Milius has been writing about botany, zoology and ecology for Science News since the last millennium. She worked at diverse publications before breaking into science writing and editing. After stints on the staffs of The Scientist, Science, International Wildlife and United Press International, she joined Science News. Three of Susan's articles have been selected to appear in editions of The Best American Science Writing.

All Stories by Susan Milius

  1. Ecosystems

    Planting trees could buy more time to fight climate change than thought

    Earth has nearly a billion hectares suitable for new forests to start trapping carbon, a study finds.

  2. Animals

    Ground beetle genitals have the genetic ability to get strange. They don’t

    A new look at the genetics of sex organs finds underpinnings of conflicts over genital size.

  3. Animals

    U.S. honeybees had the worst winter die-off in more than a decade

    Colonies suffered from parasitic, disease-spreading Varroa mites. Floods and fire didn’t help.

  4. Life

    Some fungi trade phosphorus with plants like savvy stockbrokers

    New views show how fungi shift their stores of phosphorus toward more favorable markets where the nutrient is scarce.

  5. Animals

    Shy fish no bigger than a pinkie provide much of the food in coral reefs

    More than half of the fish flesh that predators in coral reefs eat comes from tiny, hard-to-spot species.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How allergens in pollen help plants do more than make you sneeze

    A plant’s view of what humans call allergens in pollen grains involves a lot of crucial biology. And sex.

  7. Animals

    Deep-sea fishes’ eye chemistry might let them see colors in near darkness

    An unexpected abundance of proteins for catching dim light evolved independently in three groups of weird deep-sea fishes.

  8. Animals

    Pandas’ share of protein calories from bamboo rivals wolves’ from meat

    The panda gut digests protein in bamboo so well that the animal’s nutritional profile for calories resembles a wolf’s.

  9. Agriculture

    Can Silicon Valley entrepreneurs make crickets the next chicken?

    Entrepreneurs are bringing automation and data analysis to insect agriculture to build a profitable business that helps feed the planet.

  10. Animals

    How aphids sacrifice themselves to fix their homes with fatty goo

    Young aphids swollen with fatty substances save their colony by self-sacrifice, using that goo to patch breaches in the wall of their tree home.

  11. Animals

    Parenting chores cut into how much these bird dads fool around

    Frantic parenting demands after eggs hatch curtail male black coucals’ philandering excursions the most, a study finds.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Testing mosquito pee could help track the spread of diseases

    A new way to monitor the viruses that wild mosquitoes are spreading passes its first outdoor test.